The Multistoried parking lot in Moscow City, spot 16b
The Shopping mall "Mayak" in Science city of Dubna, Moscow region
The Dwelling compex 'Olympia' in Strogino, Moscow
Elevation change of the Moscows Central District HQ
Trinity College Campus in Dublin, Ireland (within Murray O'Laoire)
Reconstruction and elevation change of R&D offices 'Promstroiproject', Moscow
Two adjusent Dwelling towers on Lenin str. in the city of Istra, Moscow region
Elevation change of the Shopping mall 'Perovsky', Moscow
Three-storied parking lot in Moscow City, spot 4
Multistoried housing and underground parking in Gorki-10 town, Moscow region
The Offices reconstruction on Bakhrushina str., Moscow
Elevation change of the Customs department HQ, Yekaterinburg city
Transportation hub near metro Planernaya, Moscow
Office tower "OKO" in Moscow City, spot 16b
Private cottage in Zeliony Bor close to Science city of Koroliov, Moscow region
Interior design change of book-store 'Biblio-Globus", Moscow
Private cottage in Vostriakovo close to Domodedovo airport, Moscow region