the other creativities of the bureau staff
Dmitry KHRUSTALEV, PhD, Architect, Associate Professor in Industrial Architecture Department of MARCHI, Moscow, Russia
- Publications listed in Web of Science
- Publications with DOI
- Publications listed in Russian Science Citation Index
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1 ('2023): Changes and evaluation of the building’s readiness for changes during its life cycle
Vestnik MGSU [Monthly Journal on Construction and Architecture], 2023. ISSN 1997-0935 (in printing process)
2 (08'2023): Flexibility as a reserve of possibilities in architecture of scientific–innovative complexes
Akademicheskij vestnik Uralniiproekt RAASN [Academic bulletin of Ural Scientific Research and Design Institute], 2023, Vol.2. pp.58-64. ISSN 2782-5213, DOI 10.25628/UNIIP.2023.57.2.010
Authors: Dianova-Klokova I.V., Metanyev D.A., Khrustalev D.A.
3 (05'2023): Parking lot
Tutorial for bachelor students in architecture. Marchi, Moscow, 2023. 75 p., illustrated. Printed edition: ISBN 978-5-907303-40-9
4 (04'2023): Architectural modernization in constant interchangeable technology process buildings within technological parks
Science, education and experimental design - MARCHI works. The International Scientific and Practical Conference. Digest of articles. Marchi, Moscow, 2023, Vol.1. pp.525-526. ISBN 978-5-907303-50-8
5 (11'2022): Sustainability principles for design of scientific and innovative buildings
Tutorial for bachelor students in architecture. Marchi, Moscow, 2022. 75 p., illustrated. Printed edition: ISBN 978-5-907303-33-1
6 (04'2022): Sustainable architecture ways and methods for bachelor and magister student architectural designs in Moscow Architectural Institute
Science, education and experimental design - MARCHI works. The International Scientific and Practical Conference. Digest of articles. Marchi, Moscow, Vol.1. pp.533-534. ISBN 978-5-907303-30-0
7 (09'2021): On the issue of innovative space transformation of the industrial architecture monuments
"The System Technologies", Journal of science and practice. Makhachkala, 1 [38] 2021, pp.167-179. ISSN 2227-5398, eLIBRARY-ID: 45589802, EDN: RLKSGN
Authors: Dianova-Klokova I.V., Metanyev D.A., Khrustalev D.A.
8 (06'2021): Public spaces in the structure of scientific and innovative activities
"The System Technologies", Journal of science and practice. Makhachkala, 2 [39] 2021, pp.61-69. ISSN 2227-5398, eLIBRARY-ID: 46487955, EDN: WYTTKZ
Authors: Dianova-Klokova I.V., Metanyev D.A., Khrustalev D.A.
9 ('2020): Common features of transportation objects infrastructure
Science, education and experimental design - MARCHI works. The International Scientific and Practical Conference. Digest of articles / Marchi, Moscow, 2020, B.1, pp.558-560. ISBN 978-5-607303-00-3
10 ('2020): Sustainability of architectural design solutions for science and innovation objects
"The System Technologies", Journal of science and practice. Makhachkala, 1 [34] 2020, pp.100-105. ISSN 2227-5398, eLIBRARY-ID: 42700382, EDN: RUYVRL.
Authors: Dianova-Klokova I.V., Metanyev D.A., Khrustalev D.A.
11 ('2020): About sustainability of engineering design for science and innovation objects. The architectural point of view
"The System Technologies", Journal of science and practice. Makhachkala, 2 [35] 2020, pp.74-80. ISSN 2227-5398, eLIBRARY-ID: 43152993, EDN: YRLYEO.
Authors: Dianova-Klokova I.V., Metanyev D.A., Khrustalev D.A.
12 (08'2019): Architectural features of the autonomous parking robot in the car-parking
Printed edition: Collection of scientific papers based on the results of the International scientific and practical conference. Rostov-na-Donu, 11-Aug-2019, pp.17-19 (35 p.)
13 ('2019): The basic scientific research innovative infrastructure development
"The System Technologies", Journal of science and practice. Makhachkala, 3 [32] 2019, pp.47-55. ISSN 2227-5398, eLIBRARY-ID: 41224506, EDN: IRJTPA.
Authors: Dianova-Klokova I.V., Metanyev D.A., Khrustalev D.A.
14 ('2019): Spiral hourly planning drawing page
Patent for the intellectual property. Industrial model №RU116931S from 10.10.2019 on inquiry №2018505267 dated 29.11.2018. Federal institute of industrial property, Russia. Patented for Russian Federation
15 ('2019): Architectural design for disabled specifics in office-type and R&D buildings
Science, education and experimental design - MARCHI works. The International Scientific and Practical Conference. Digest of articles. Marchi, Moscow, 2019, B.1, pp.593-594. ISBN 978-5-6040500-7-1, eLIBRARY-ID: 44337817, EDN: IBEEAJ
16 ('2018): Ecological and efficient factors to use with architecture of accumulation and separation of recyclable materials
Science, education and experimental design - MARCHI works. The International Scientific and Practical Conference. Articles / Marchi, Moscow, 2018, B.1, pp.580-582. ISBN 978-5-6040500-6-4, eLIBRARY-ID: 36427386, EDN: YNSNIL
17 ('2018): Ecological and efficient factors to use with architecture of accumulation and separation of recyclable materials
Science, education and experimental design - MARCHI works. The International Scientific and Practical Conference. Digest of articles / Marchi, Moscow, 2018, B.1, pp.446-449. ISBN 978-5-6040500-6-4, eLIBRARY-ID: 36823040, EDN: LTQUMT
18 ('2017): Automated parking systems in academic architecture study design
Science, education and experimental design - MARCHI works. The International Scientific and Practical Conference. Digest of articles / Marchi, Moscow, 2017, B.1, pp.505-507. ISBN 978-5-6040500-0-2, eLIBRARY-ID: 29178691, EDN: YONLLL
19 (03'2016): Internal lattice element for the internal window and door openings protection
Patent for the intellectual property. International patent classification: E06B 9/02, E06B 9/01 / Useful model №RU167284U1 on inquiry №2016108579/12 dated 10.03.2016г. Federal institute of industrial property, Russia / eLIBRARY-ID: 37571386, EDN: GSGPWT. Patented for Russian Federation
20 (02'2016): Organization of information space in high-tech buildings of innovative activity. Architect's point of view
Printed edition: Actual problems of technical sciences in Russia and abroad / Collection of scientific papers based on the results of the International scientific and practical conference №3. Novosibirsk, 07-Feb-2016, pp.98-100 (187 p.). eLIBRARY-ID: 26394835, EDN: WFPODP
21 ('2016): Space reservation for engineering systems flexibility in Research&Development buildings
Web Edition: ISSN 2227-6017 / Printed edition: International Research Journal (ISSN 2303-9868). №5 (47), Part 2. Yekaterinburg, 2016. pp.127-128. DOI: 10.18454/IRJ.2016.47.063. eLIBRARY-ID: 26023744, EDN: VXMKQH
22 ('2016): Bus station. Architectural design
Tutorial for bachelor students in architecture / Marchi, Moscow, 2016. 38 p., illustrated
23 ('2016): Multistoried parking lot
Tutorial for bachelor students in architecture / Marchi, Moscow, 2016. 38 p., illustrated
Authors: Khrustalev D.A., Gabova M.V., Nechyaev A.L.
24 ('2015): Innovative technology park
Tutorial for bachelor students in architecture / Marchi, Moscow, 2015. 56 p., illustrated
Authors: Dianova-Klokova I.V., Metanyev D.A., Khrustalev D.A.
25 ('2015): Placement and zoning of research and production facilities
Printed edition: Proceedings of the II International Scientific and Practical Conference "Actual issues of science and technology". Section № 10. Construction and architecture. Samara, 2015, pp.120-121. ISBN 978-5-9906141-4-7
26 ('2015): The architecture of scientific and industrial innovation complexes in foreign countries. South Korea
Printed edition: Magazine "Architecture and Construction of Russia". №8, 2015, pp.2-9
Authors: Dianova-Klokova I.V., Metanyev D.A., Khrustalev D.A.
27 ('2015): Incubators as an important component of the innovation infrastructure
Printed edition: Magazine "Architecture and Construction of Russia". №7, 2015, pp.32-40
28 (12'2014): The prevailing type of activity and its influence on the architecture of scientific and industrial buildings
Printed edition: Collection of scientific papers on the materials of the IV International Scientific and Practical Conference in Belgorod, 31 December 2014, Part 3, 2014, pp.143-147. ISBN 978-5-9906141-4-7, eLIBRARY-ID: 22937310, EDN: THYJIH
29 ('2014): Innovative research and production complexes. Tutorial
Printed edition: LAP Lambert Academic Publishing. – Saarbrüken, Germany, 2014. ISBN 978-3-659-52554-4
Authors: Dianova-Klokova I.V., Metanyev D.A., Khrustalev D.A.
30 ('2014): The impact of innovation on the architecture of scientific and industrial buildings
Printed edition: Collection of scientific papers on the materials of the IV International Scientific and Practical Conference in Belgorod, 31 October 2014. Part 1, 2014, pp.195-199. ISBN 978-5-9906029-1-5, eLIBRARY-ID: 22669878, EDN: TCCFFV
31 ('2013): Peculiarities of the architecture of innovation incubators in Russian practice
Science, education and experimental design - MARCHI works. The International Scientific and Practical Conference. Articles / Marchi, Moscow, 2013, pp.442-444
32 ('2013): Architectural and spatial features of innovation incubators (foreign experience)
BINTI - Construction, architecture, transport, building structures and materials, housing and communal services. Мoscow, VNIINTPI LLC, 2013, №5 [69], pp.38-42
33 ('2012): Innovative scientific-production objects. Features of architectural design
Printed edition: Perspectives of architectural and artistic education: Proceedings of the International scientific conference / Krasnoyarsk: Siberia Federal University, 2012, pp.167-177
Authors: Dianova-Klokova I.V., Khrustalev D.A.
34 ('2012): Architectural and planning characteristics of innovative scientific and production facilities
Science, education and experimental design - MARCHI works. The International Scientific and Practical Conference. Digest of articles / Marchi, Moscow, 2012, B.1, pp.119-120. ISBN 978-5-8419-0023-8.
35 ('2012): The Space of Innovation - architectural design issues
Printed edition: Magazine "Architecture and Construction of Russia". 2012, №6, pp.2-19 / ISSN: 0235-7259, eLIBRARY-ID: 17756436, EDN: OYOREL
Authors: Dianova-Klokova I.V., Metanyev D.A., Khrustalev D.A.
36 ('2012): Innovative R&D complexes. Architectural design inquiries
Moscow, Published by URSS (Lenand LLC), 2012, 186 p. (monography, part 1)
Authors: Dianova-Klokova I.V., Metanyev D.A., Khrustalev D.A.
37 ('2012): Architectural design of innovative R&D complexes. Global practice review
Moscow, Published by URSS (Lenand LLC), 2012, 367 p. (monography, part 2)
Authors: Dianova-Klokova I.V., Metanyev D.A., Khrustalev D.A.
38 ('2011): Architectural formation of scientific and production buildings of innovative direction. Dissertation thesis for the degree of Candidate of Architecture
Marchi, Moscow, 2011, 151 p. / eLIBRARY-ID: 19251807, EDN: QFHMBD
39 ('2011): Architectural formation of scientific and production buildings of innovative direction. Author's abstract for the degree: Candidate of architecture
Marchi, Moscow, 2011, 30 p. / eLIBRARY-ID: 19348195, EDN: ORBMIC
40 ('2011): Innovative complexes in Great Britain
Printed edition: Magazine "The world of construction and real estate". Publishing house 'Mir' / Saint Petersburg, 2011, №40, pp.60-63
41 ('2011): Computer visualization to use for increasing the investment attractiveness of architectural design objects
Science, education and experimental design - MARCHI works. The International Scientific and Practical Conference. Digest of articles / Marchi, Moscow, 2011, B.2, pp.143-144
42 ('2011): Features and fundamental trends in the formation of scientific and industrial buildings of innovative purpose
Science, education and experimental design - MARCHI works. The International Scientific and Practical Conference. Digest of articles / Marchi, Moscow, 2011, B.1, p.172
43 (09'2010): Architectural organization of buildings for risky research areas in UK innovation parks
Electronic edition: Architecture and modern information technologies. International electronic scientific and educational journal on scientific, technical, educational and methodological aspects of modern architectural education and design using video and computer technologies / №4 [13] 2010.09. eLIBRARY-ID: 15283255, EDN: MWLNQZ. eISSN 1998-4839
44 ('2010): Innovative complexes in Great Britain: scientific, technological, business parks
Printed edition: Express Information. Foreign and domestic experience in construction / Moscow, VNIINTPI JSC, 2010, №1, pp.113-129
45 ('2010): Buildings for short-term rentals as part of innovation complexes
Science, education and experimental design - MARCHI works. The International Scientific and Practical Conference. Articles / Marchi, Moscow, 2010, B.1, pp.165-167
46 ('2010): Business Park Stockley (UK)
Printed edition: Magazine "BINTI". Foreign and domestic experience in construction / Мoscow, VNIINTPI JSC, 2010, №3, pp.32-33
47 ('2010): Facilities to let for innovative purposes (part 1)
Printed edition: Review information. Series: Industrial and agricultural complexes, buildings and structures / Мoscow, VNIINTPI JSC, 2010, Issue 1, 58 p.
Authors: Dianova-Klokova I.V., Metanyev D.A., Khrustalev D.A.
48 ('2010): Facilities to let for innovative purposes (part 2)
Printed edition: Review information. Series: Industrial and agricultural complexes, buildings and structures / Мoscow, VNIINTPI JSC, 2010, Issue 2, 57 p.
Authors: Dianova-Klokova I.V., Metanyev D.A., Khrustalev D.A.
49 ('2007): New in shaping the research space for the development of computer technology
Science, education and experimental design - MARCHI works. The International Scientific and Practical Conference. Articles / Marchi, Moscow, 2007, B.1, pp.91-92
50 ('2005): Architecture and High Technology
Printed edition: Magazine "Union of Russian Architects Digest", 2005, №2(24), pp.12-21
Authors: Platonov Y.P., Dianova-Klokova I.V., Metanyev D.A., Khrustalev D.A.
51 ('2001): Structure of the Building – 'Window to the 3-rd Millenium' as a New Technopark Type
Technopolis-The Town of Science / UIA ”Science and High-Tech Facilities” Work Program / 3-rd International Seminar. Russia, Moscow, Oct.30–Nov.1, 2001, pp.38-40
52 ('2001): Mobile banking offices / Printed edition: Magazine "Bank Technologies", 2001, №1, pp.58-65
Authors: Dianova-Klokova I.V., Khrustalev D.A.
53 ('2001): Moscow's ecological problems. Solution example - Gagarina square
The International Scientific and Practical Conference. Articles / Kyiv Polytechnic Institute, Kyiv, 2001, pp.95-97
54 ('1999): Banks and Business Centers of Paris
Printed edition: Magazine "Bank Technologies", №11-1999, pp.42-51
Authors: Dianova-Klokova I.V., Khrustalev D.A.
55 ('1996): Ecology of Buildings
XVII Symposium "AQUA-96". International Scientific and Practical Symposium. Articles (Płoсk). Polytechnika Warszawska, Poland, 1996
Authors: Khrustalev D.A., Efimov U.N.