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Dmitry KHRUSTALEV, PhD, Architect, Associate Professor in Industrial Architecture Department of MARCHI, Moscow, Russia
SPIN: 3165-6505, ORCID: 0000-0002-0515-0927, Researcher ID: HTN-1958-2023, Russian AuthorID: 1047601

Internal lattice element for the internal window and door openings protection. Patent '2016

Spiral hourly planning drawing page. Patent '2019

Lections and tutorials

(rev. 11'2022)

for MARCHI students (III year of education):

Parking (tasks, tutorials, analogues stored in cloud and YouTube lection)

Bus station (tasks, tutorials, analogues stored in cloud and YouTube lection)

for MARCHI students (V year of education). Industrial Architecture Course lections (some):

Mining, processing and metallurgical companies (lection & presentation)

One- and two-storey industrial buildings (lection & presentation)

Significant Publications

Some PDF publications were placed in a cloud

List of Publications

55 pc. (rev. 08'2023)
Publications types

- Peer reviewed publications in the main Russian journals, recommended by the Higher Attestation Commission of Russian Federation

- Publications listed in Web of Science

- Publications with DOI

- Publications listed in Russian Science Citation Index

- mouse-on to see abstract

- mouse-on to see keywords

1 ('2023): Changes and evaluation of the building’s readiness for changes during its life cycle
Vestnik MGSU [Monthly Journal on Construction and Architecture], 2023. ISSN 1997-0935 (in printing process)

2 (08'2023): Flexibility as a reserve of possibilities in architecture of scientific–innovative complexes
Akademicheskij vestnik Uralniiproekt RAASN [Academic bulletin of Ural Scientific Research and Design Institute], 2023, Vol.2. pp.58-64. ISSN 2782-5213, DOI 10.25628/UNIIP.2023.57.2.010
Authors: Dianova-Klokova I.V., Metanyev D.A., Khrustalev D.A.

3 (05'2023): Parking lot
Tutorial for bachelor students in architecture. Marchi, Moscow, 2023. 75 p., illustrated. Printed edition: ISBN 978-5-907303-40-9

4 (04'2023): Architectural modernization in constant interchangeable technology process buildings within technological parks
Science, education and experimental design - MARCHI works. The International Scientific and Practical Conference. Digest of articles. Marchi, Moscow, 2023, Vol.1. pp.525-526. ISBN 978-5-907303-50-8

5 (11'2022): Sustainability principles for design of scientific and innovative buildings
Tutorial for bachelor students in architecture. Marchi, Moscow, 2022. 75 p., illustrated. Printed edition: ISBN 978-5-907303-33-1

6 (04'2022): Sustainable architecture ways and methods for bachelor and magister student architectural designs in Moscow Architectural Institute
Science, education and experimental design - MARCHI works. The International Scientific and Practical Conference. Digest of articles. Marchi, Moscow, Vol.1. pp.533-534. ISBN 978-5-907303-30-0

7 (09'2021): On the issue of innovative space transformation of the industrial architecture monuments
"The System Technologies", Journal of science and practice. Makhachkala, 1 [38] 2021, pp.167-179. ISSN 2227-5398, eLIBRARY-ID: 45589802, EDN: RLKSGN
Authors: Dianova-Klokova I.V., Metanyev D.A., Khrustalev D.A.

8 (06'2021): Public spaces in the structure of scientific and innovative activities
"The System Technologies", Journal of science and practice. Makhachkala, 2 [39] 2021, pp.61-69. ISSN 2227-5398, eLIBRARY-ID: 46487955, EDN: WYTTKZ
Authors: Dianova-Klokova I.V., Metanyev D.A., Khrustalev D.A.

9 ('2020): Common features of transportation objects infrastructure
Science, education and experimental design - MARCHI works. The International Scientific and Practical Conference. Digest of articles / Marchi, Moscow, 2020, B.1, pp.558-560. ISBN 978-5-607303-00-3

10 ('2020): Sustainability of architectural design solutions for science and innovation objects
"The System Technologies", Journal of science and practice. Makhachkala, 1 [34] 2020, pp.100-105. ISSN 2227-5398, eLIBRARY-ID: 42700382, EDN: RUYVRL.
Authors: Dianova-Klokova I.V., Metanyev D.A., Khrustalev D.A.

11 ('2020): About sustainability of engineering design for science and innovation objects. The architectural point of view
"The System Technologies", Journal of science and practice. Makhachkala, 2 [35] 2020, pp.74-80. ISSN 2227-5398, eLIBRARY-ID: 43152993, EDN: YRLYEO.
Authors: Dianova-Klokova I.V., Metanyev D.A., Khrustalev D.A.

12 (08'2019): Architectural features of the autonomous parking robot in the car-parking
Printed edition: Collection of scientific papers based on the results of the International scientific and practical conference. Rostov-na-Donu, 11-Aug-2019, pp.17-19 (35 p.)

13 ('2019): The basic scientific research innovative infrastructure development
"The System Technologies", Journal of science and practice. Makhachkala, 3 [32] 2019, pp.47-55. ISSN 2227-5398, eLIBRARY-ID: 41224506, EDN: IRJTPA.
Authors: Dianova-Klokova I.V., Metanyev D.A., Khrustalev D.A.

14 ('2019): Spiral hourly planning drawing page
Patent for the intellectual property. Industrial model №RU116931S from 10.10.2019 on inquiry №2018505267 dated 29.11.2018. Federal institute of industrial property, Russia. Patented for Russian Federation

15 ('2019): Architectural design for disabled specifics in office-type and R&D buildings
Science, education and experimental design - MARCHI works. The International Scientific and Practical Conference. Digest of articles. Marchi, Moscow, 2019, B.1, pp.593-594. ISBN 978-5-6040500-7-1, eLIBRARY-ID: 44337817, EDN: IBEEAJ

16 ('2018): Ecological and efficient factors to use with architecture of accumulation and separation of recyclable materials
Science, education and experimental design - MARCHI works. The International Scientific and Practical Conference. Articles / Marchi, Moscow, 2018, B.1, pp.580-582. ISBN 978-5-6040500-6-4, eLIBRARY-ID: 36427386, EDN: YNSNIL

17 ('2018): Ecological and efficient factors to use with architecture of accumulation and separation of recyclable materials
Science, education and experimental design - MARCHI works. The International Scientific and Practical Conference. Digest of articles / Marchi, Moscow, 2018, B.1, pp.446-449. ISBN 978-5-6040500-6-4, eLIBRARY-ID: 36823040, EDN: LTQUMT

18 ('2017): Automated parking systems in academic architecture study design
Science, education and experimental design - MARCHI works. The International Scientific and Practical Conference. Digest of articles / Marchi, Moscow, 2017, B.1, pp.505-507. ISBN 978-5-6040500-0-2, eLIBRARY-ID: 29178691, EDN: YONLLL

19 (03'2016): Internal lattice element for the internal window and door openings protection
Patent for the intellectual property. International patent classification: E06B 9/02, E06B 9/01 / Useful model №RU167284U1 on inquiry №2016108579/12 dated 10.03.2016г. Federal institute of industrial property, Russia / eLIBRARY-ID: 37571386, EDN: GSGPWT. Patented for Russian Federation

20 (02'2016): Organization of information space in high-tech buildings of innovative activity. Architect's point of view
Printed edition: Actual problems of technical sciences in Russia and abroad / Collection of scientific papers based on the results of the International scientific and practical conference №3. Novosibirsk, 07-Feb-2016, pp.98-100 (187 p.). eLIBRARY-ID: 26394835, EDN: WFPODP

21 ('2016): Space reservation for engineering systems flexibility in Research&Development buildings
Web Edition: ISSN 2227-6017 / Printed edition: International Research Journal (ISSN 2303-9868). №5 (47), Part 2. Yekaterinburg, 2016. pp.127-128. DOI: 10.18454/IRJ.2016.47.063. eLIBRARY-ID: 26023744, EDN: VXMKQH

22 ('2016): Bus station. Architectural design
Tutorial for bachelor students in architecture / Marchi, Moscow, 2016. 38 p., illustrated

23 ('2016): Multistoried parking lot
Tutorial for bachelor students in architecture / Marchi, Moscow, 2016. 38 p., illustrated
Authors: Khrustalev D.A., Gabova M.V., Nechyaev A.L.

24 ('2015): Innovative technology park
Tutorial for bachelor students in architecture / Marchi, Moscow, 2015. 56 p., illustrated
Authors: Dianova-Klokova I.V., Metanyev D.A., Khrustalev D.A.

25 ('2015): Placement and zoning of research and production facilities
Printed edition: Proceedings of the II International Scientific and Practical Conference "Actual issues of science and technology". Section № 10. Construction and architecture. Samara, 2015, pp.120-121. ISBN 978-5-9906141-4-7

26 ('2015): The architecture of scientific and industrial innovation complexes in foreign countries. South Korea
Printed edition: Magazine "Architecture and Construction of Russia". №8, 2015, pp.2-9
Authors: Dianova-Klokova I.V., Metanyev D.A., Khrustalev D.A.

27 ('2015): Incubators as an important component of the innovation infrastructure
Printed edition: Magazine "Architecture and Construction of Russia". №7, 2015, pp.32-40

28 (12'2014): The prevailing type of activity and its influence on the architecture of scientific and industrial buildings
Printed edition: Collection of scientific papers on the materials of the IV International Scientific and Practical Conference in Belgorod, 31 December 2014, Part 3, 2014, pp.143-147. ISBN 978-5-9906141-4-7, eLIBRARY-ID: 22937310, EDN: THYJIH

29 ('2014): Innovative research and production complexes. Tutorial
Printed edition: LAP Lambert Academic Publishing. – Saarbrüken, Germany, 2014. ISBN 978-3-659-52554-4
Authors: Dianova-Klokova I.V., Metanyev D.A., Khrustalev D.A.

30 ('2014): The impact of innovation on the architecture of scientific and industrial buildings
Printed edition: Collection of scientific papers on the materials of the IV International Scientific and Practical Conference in Belgorod, 31 October 2014. Part 1, 2014, pp.195-199. ISBN 978-5-9906029-1-5, eLIBRARY-ID: 22669878, EDN: TCCFFV

31 ('2013): Peculiarities of the architecture of innovation incubators in Russian practice
Science, education and experimental design - MARCHI works. The International Scientific and Practical Conference. Articles / Marchi, Moscow, 2013, pp.442-444

32 ('2013): Architectural and spatial features of innovation incubators (foreign experience)
BINTI - Construction, architecture, transport, building structures and materials, housing and communal services. Мoscow, VNIINTPI LLC, 2013, №5 [69], pp.38-42

33 ('2012): Innovative scientific-production objects. Features of architectural design
Printed edition: Perspectives of architectural and artistic education: Proceedings of the International scientific conference / Krasnoyarsk: Siberia Federal University, 2012, pp.167-177
Authors: Dianova-Klokova I.V., Khrustalev D.A.

34 ('2012): Architectural and planning characteristics of innovative scientific and production facilities
Science, education and experimental design - MARCHI works. The International Scientific and Practical Conference. Digest of articles / Marchi, Moscow, 2012, B.1, pp.119-120. ISBN 978-5-8419-0023-8.

35 ('2012): The Space of Innovation - architectural design issues
Printed edition: Magazine "Architecture and Construction of Russia". 2012, №6, pp.2-19 / ISSN: 0235-7259, eLIBRARY-ID: 17756436, EDN: OYOREL
Authors: Dianova-Klokova I.V., Metanyev D.A., Khrustalev D.A.

36 ('2012): Innovative R&D complexes. Architectural design inquiries
Moscow, Published by URSS (Lenand LLC), 2012, 186 p. (monography, part 1)
Authors: Dianova-Klokova I.V., Metanyev D.A., Khrustalev D.A.

37 ('2012): Architectural design of innovative R&D complexes. Global practice review
Moscow, Published by URSS (Lenand LLC), 2012, 367 p. (monography, part 2)
Authors: Dianova-Klokova I.V., Metanyev D.A., Khrustalev D.A.

38 ('2011): Architectural formation of scientific and production buildings of innovative direction. Dissertation thesis for the degree of Candidate of Architecture
Marchi, Moscow, 2011, 151 p. / eLIBRARY-ID: 19251807, EDN: QFHMBD

39 ('2011): Architectural formation of scientific and production buildings of innovative direction. Author's abstract for the degree: Candidate of architecture
Marchi, Moscow, 2011, 30 p. / eLIBRARY-ID: 19348195, EDN: ORBMIC

40 ('2011): Innovative complexes in Great Britain
Printed edition: Magazine "The world of construction and real estate". Publishing house 'Mir' / Saint Petersburg, 2011, №40, pp.60-63

41 ('2011): Computer visualization to use for increasing the investment attractiveness of architectural design objects
Science, education and experimental design - MARCHI works. The International Scientific and Practical Conference. Digest of articles / Marchi, Moscow, 2011, B.2, pp.143-144

42 ('2011): Features and fundamental trends in the formation of scientific and industrial buildings of innovative purpose
Science, education and experimental design - MARCHI works. The International Scientific and Practical Conference. Digest of articles / Marchi, Moscow, 2011, B.1, p.172

43 (09'2010): Architectural organization of buildings for risky research areas in UK innovation parks
Electronic edition: Architecture and modern information technologies. International electronic scientific and educational journal on scientific, technical, educational and methodological aspects of modern architectural education and design using video and computer technologies / №4 [13] 2010.09. eLIBRARY-ID: 15283255, EDN: MWLNQZ. eISSN 1998-4839

44 ('2010): Innovative complexes in Great Britain: scientific, technological, business parks
Printed edition: Express Information. Foreign and domestic experience in construction / Moscow, VNIINTPI JSC, 2010, №1, pp.113-129

45 ('2010): Buildings for short-term rentals as part of innovation complexes
Science, education and experimental design - MARCHI works. The International Scientific and Practical Conference. Articles / Marchi, Moscow, 2010, B.1, pp.165-167

46 ('2010): Business Park Stockley (UK)
Printed edition: Magazine "BINTI". Foreign and domestic experience in construction / Мoscow, VNIINTPI JSC, 2010, №3, pp.32-33

47 ('2010): Facilities to let for innovative purposes (part 1)
Printed edition: Review information. Series: Industrial and agricultural complexes, buildings and structures / Мoscow, VNIINTPI JSC, 2010, Issue 1, 58 p.
Authors: Dianova-Klokova I.V., Metanyev D.A., Khrustalev D.A.

48 ('2010): Facilities to let for innovative purposes (part 2)
Printed edition: Review information. Series: Industrial and agricultural complexes, buildings and structures / Мoscow, VNIINTPI JSC, 2010, Issue 2, 57 p.
Authors: Dianova-Klokova I.V., Metanyev D.A., Khrustalev D.A.

49 ('2007): New in shaping the research space for the development of computer technology
Science, education and experimental design - MARCHI works. The International Scientific and Practical Conference. Articles / Marchi, Moscow, 2007, B.1, pp.91-92

50 ('2005): Architecture and High Technology
Printed edition: Magazine "Union of Russian Architects Digest", 2005, №2(24), pp.12-21
Authors: Platonov Y.P., Dianova-Klokova I.V., Metanyev D.A., Khrustalev D.A.

51 ('2001): Structure of the Building – 'Window to the 3-rd Millenium' as a New Technopark Type
Technopolis-The Town of Science / UIA ”Science and High-Tech Facilities” Work Program / 3-rd International Seminar. Russia, Moscow, Oct.30–Nov.1, 2001, pp.38-40

52 ('2001): Mobile banking offices / Printed edition: Magazine "Bank Technologies", 2001, №1, pp.58-65
Authors: Dianova-Klokova I.V., Khrustalev D.A.

53 ('2001): Moscow's ecological problems. Solution example - Gagarina square
The International Scientific and Practical Conference. Articles / Kyiv Polytechnic Institute, Kyiv, 2001, pp.95-97

54 ('1999): Banks and Business Centers of Paris
Printed edition: Magazine "Bank Technologies", №11-1999, pp.42-51
Authors: Dianova-Klokova I.V., Khrustalev D.A.

55 ('1996): Ecology of Buildings
XVII Symposium "AQUA-96". International Scientific and Practical Symposium. Articles (Płoсk). Polytechnika Warszawska, Poland, 1996
Authors: Khrustalev D.A., Efimov U.N.